Chiropractic Care for Kids in Minneapolis MN
Chiropractic Care for Kids

Most parents never think about chiropractic care for their kids. They go for medical checkups, dental visits, and eye visits, but almost never to the chiropractor. Do kids really need chiropractic care? Is it safe for them?
Let's start with a few questions…
- Did the doctor pull on your baby's head when they were born?
- Did your kids ever fall learning to walk?
- Have your kids ever smashed their head into a table?
- And I could go on and on.
Every child goes through a train wreck of bumps, bruises, and significant injuries on their path to adulthood. It's almost impossible for a child to escape having spinal misalignments as they develop. Those misalignments can lead to substantial problems when they reach adulthood.
It's safe to say that every child needs chiropractic care just as much as they need dental care. To be honest, dental care is probably less important. You can survive without teeth but living with a diseased degenerated spine is another story.
Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Kids?
Chiropractic is one of the safest health professions in the world. Its safety statistics are impeccable, especially considering the enormous number of chiropractic adjustments that happen each year.
Chiropractic care for kids is even safer. Kids are extremely resilient and often have rapid improvement with a minimal amount of care.
If you have questions about chiropractic care for your family don't hesitate to speak with our team at Pure Health Chiropractic. We understand how important your children's health is. We're happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
Spinal Restoration Therapy (SRT)
Dr. Mancini's innovative four-phase program incorporates these passive and active care treatment methods: state-of-the-art low-force chiropractic techniques, low-level laser therapy, traction and decompression, and MedX spinal strengthening equipment.
The Four Phases Of The SRT Program Are:
- Phase 1 - Acute & Chronic Pain Relief
- Phase 2 - Stabilization & Function
- Phase 3 - Re-education & Reform
- Phase 4 - Re-strengthen & Relive
- You and your body will learn to live pain-free.
Click Here to Learn More
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Pure Health Chiropractic
945 Broadway St NE #275
Minneapolis, MN 55413