Spinal Restoration Therapy in Minneapolis MN

Dr. Mancini's SRT program helps relieve, reeducate, reform and re-strengthen the musculoskeletal and central nervous system in Minneapolis MN for sustainable long-term health recovery. Whether you have acute or chronic pain relating to traumatic spinal injuries, sports injuries, car accidents, or ergonomic postural concerns, this program will improve your overall quality of life.
Our Four-Phase Spinal therapy in Minneapolis MN
Dr. Mancini's innovative four-phase program incorporates these passive and active care treatment methods: state-of-the-art low-force chiropractic techniques, low-level laser therapy, traction and decompression, and MedX spinal strengthening equipment.
The Four Phases Of The SRT Program Are:
- Phase 1 - Acute & Chronic Pain Relief
- Phase 2 - Stabilization & Function
- Phase 3 - Re-education & Reform
- Phase 4 - Re-strengthen & Relive
You and your body will learn to live pain-free.
"I am privileged to be a chiropractor. Every day I see people with long term health complaints get better without taking drugs or the risk of surgery. Thank you for visiting our site. I hope we can become your source of hope and healing in the very near future."
- Dr. David Mancini
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 4:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Pure Health Chiropractic
945 Broadway St NE #275
Minneapolis, MN 55413